cult of the chicken buddha. cult of the buddha-chicken...

cult of the chicken buddha.. this is mass-cult.

buddha-cult. cult of the chicken buddha
church of chicken buddha

tao-cult. cult of the tao...
church of chicken tao...
tao-cult. cult of the tao...
church of chicken tao...

80,000 block-characters.
where did Hanzi come from?
why is Hanzi still used?

2000-years later: 80-90% are peasants living off the land... Nation of peasants???

confucius: dead for 2500 years. wake up world. confucius is dead for 2500 years.
21st. century now. confucius dead for 2500 years now..
Internet/ Web/Google: Why Feudal China lasted so long?
Many communist have posted essay as to why after 2000-years, 90% are peasants living on the farm?
Why after 2000-years, NOT a single election for any Public office...
Why there is pervasive control over all aspects of Public-life and Private-life....
Why the pervasive control of Public life and Private Life.. in china??
Why Feudal China lasted so long? What happened? How come 90% peasants for 2000 years?
Workers making 25 cents?
Why China's Feudal Period Was So Long??????
How come China missed the Missed the Science-Age, Industrial-Age and Not Invent the Modern Internet?????
From the earliest times down to the middle of the 19th century, Chinese society went through three stages
a) primitive society
b) slave society, and
c) feudal society.
The Xia dynasty ruled over a slave society.In the Shang period there was definitely a slave system, as inscriptions on oracle bones showed how slaves were used and ill-treated.During the Western Zhou(1066 - 771 BC)or Eastern Zhou(770 - 256 BC) Chinese society entered the feudal stage.
This social system was to last more than 2,500 years until it was shaken by foreign cannons during the Opium War.But the social system remained unchanged--it was essentially feudal though seeds of capitalism did appear.Com pared with Europe, where feudalism lasted about one thou sand years, China had a much longer feudal period. Many causes have been mentioned. Among them are the following:
#1. A predominant Nature-based, farm-based economy. This was the economic foun- dation of the feudal system. Throughout the country the peasants, who made up over 90 percent of the population, produced and made nearly everything for themselves, and not for the market. They grew rice or wheat or corn, and they also raised pigs, goats and chickens, and grew vegetables. They grew cotton and hemp, and wove very coarse cloth with their handlooms.
They made their own tools, furniture and other things they used. In short, there were very few things that they had to buy from shops in town.
#2.A stable feudal political system. For about 2,000 years from the Qin to the end of the Qing dynasty, the country was governed more or less in the same way. There were modifications from dyansty to dynasty in the organization and workings of the government, but there were very 'few fundamental changes in the main structure of the political system. All powers were in the hands of the emperor alone, who was assisted by a group of ministers led by the prime minister.
Scholars who had passed certain examinations were given government posts, and some of them understood the problems and wishes of the people.In spite of its undemocratic nature and many faults, this political system seemed to suit the social conditions on the whole. Except when there were wars or great political upheavals, the country was ef- fectively governed and law and order were maintained.
#3. A highly-developed feudal culture. Chinese culture was highly developed in the feudal period. It played an important part in keeping the country unified, though it had such a large area and such a huge size of population;in maintaining the continuity of Chinese history; and in resisting the cultures of those nationalities which at one time or another ruled China.
These ideas were helpful to the stability of feudal rule. Confucianism valued ancient traditions, such as the institutions of the Western Zhou, and gave great respect to ancient sages like Yao, Shun, Yu, King Wen, King Wu and the Duke of Zhou, taking their rule as the model for all ages. In other words, it taught people to look backwards, Not forward.
This may have fostered the conser- vative, closed-minded tendency of the Chinese people.Besides Confucianism there were two other influential philoso- phies:Taoism and Buddhism. Taoism advocated an escape from social duties, and the enjoyment of freedom, quietude and peace.
There were of course other factors. One of them was China's lack of contact with the outside world. There was some foreign influence on Chinese culture. Buddhism, for instance, came from India. But foreign influence never changed the character of Chinese culture. Chinese society and culture developed along their own path until the outbreak of the Opium War in 1840.
Past. Present. Future. What about the Future from 2000-2050?
Years 2000-2050 or 2050-2100:
What about the future??????????
Many communist have posted essay as to why after 2000-years, 90% are peasants living on the farm?
Why after 2000-years, NOT a single election for any Public office...
Why there is pervasive control over all aspects of Public-life and Private-life....
Why the pervasive control of Public life and Private Life.. in china??
Why Feudal China lasted so long? What happened? How come 90% peasants for 2000 years?
Workers making 25 cents?
Why China's Feudal Period Was So Long??????
How come China missed the Missed the Science-Age, Industrial-Age and Not Invent the Modern Internet?????
From the earliest times down to the middle of the 19th century, Chinese society went through three stages
a) primitive society
b) slave society, and
c) feudal society.
The Xia dynasty ruled over a slave society.In the Shang period there was definitely a slave system, as inscriptions on oracle bones showed how slaves were used and ill-treated.During the Western Zhou(1066 - 771 BC)or Eastern Zhou(770 - 256 BC) Chinese society entered the feudal stage.
This social system was to last more than 2,500 years until it was shaken by foreign cannons during the Opium War.But the social system remained unchanged--it was essentially feudal though seeds of capitalism did appear.Com pared with Europe, where feudalism lasted about one thou sand years, China had a much longer feudal period. Many causes have been mentioned. Among them are the following:
#1. A predominant Nature-based, farm-based economy. This was the economic foun- dation of the feudal system. Throughout the country the peasants, who made up over 90 percent of the population, produced and made nearly everything for themselves, and not for the market. They grew rice or wheat or corn, and they also raised pigs, goats and chickens, and grew vegetables. They grew cotton and hemp, and wove very coarse cloth with their handlooms.
They made their own tools, furniture and other things they used. In short, there were very few things that they had to buy from shops in town.
#2.A stable feudal political system. For about 2,000 years from the Qin to the end of the Qing dynasty, the country was governed more or less in the same way. There were modifications from dyansty to dynasty in the organization and workings of the government, but there were very 'few fundamental changes in the main structure of the political system. All powers were in the hands of the emperor alone, who was assisted by a group of ministers led by the prime minister.
Scholars who had passed certain examinations were given government posts, and some of them understood the problems and wishes of the people.In spite of its undemocratic nature and many faults, this political system seemed to suit the social conditions on the whole. Except when there were wars or great political upheavals, the country was ef- fectively governed and law and order were maintained.
#3. A highly-developed feudal culture. Chinese culture was highly developed in the feudal period. It played an important part in keeping the country unified, though it had such a large area and such a huge size of population;in maintaining the continuity of Chinese history; and in resisting the cultures of those nationalities which at one time or another ruled China.
These ideas were helpful to the stability of feudal rule. Confucianism valued ancient traditions, such as the institutions of the Western Zhou, and gave great respect to ancient sages like Yao, Shun, Yu, King Wen, King Wu and the Duke of Zhou, taking their rule as the model for all ages. In other words, it taught people to look backwards, Not forward.
This may have fostered the conser- vative, closed-minded tendency of the Chinese people.Besides Confucianism there were two other influential philoso- phies:Taoism and Buddhism. Taoism advocated an escape from social duties, and the enjoyment of freedom, quietude and peace.
There were of course other factors. One of them was China's lack of contact with the outside world. There was some foreign influence on Chinese culture. Buddhism, for instance, came from India. But foreign influence never changed the character of Chinese culture. Chinese society and culture developed along their own path until the outbreak of the Opium War in 1840.
Past. Present. Future. What about the Future from 2000-2050?
Years 2000-2050 or 2050-2100:
What about the future??????????
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