31 January 2010

Deng Xiaoping: Confucius and Hanzi, two greatest diaster in history of mankind. Retarded china for 2000 years. 80% are peasants.

confucius: nations of slaves, mind-less idiots. retarded china for 2000 years. Hence, No development in science, technology, free elections, free market, of a free china in a free world.

The thoughts of confucius created a nations of slaves to the state, slaves to the emperor.

CCP: chinese crap party

CCP: chinese chicken party

CCP: chinese cheese party is bringing the Evil confucius back to life.

Like Mao Zedong, confucius and Hanzi should be buried six feet under. Dig a big hole and bury this crap called confucius.

1. confucius

2. Hanzi or crap-zi.

Two diaster that retarded china for 2000 years. Dig a deep deep hole and bury

confucius: nation of slaves

mao zedong: mass-killer of 50 million.

Hanzi: primative, barbaric, ugly. dig a deep deep deep hole and bury all three. Bury all three six feet under.

02 January 2010

IQ of four groups in USA. Can this chart be true. Chart in public Domain (PD)

This chart is in public domain.
PD in many public sites.

Can this chart be true? Can there be differences in IQ among races.
Chart is in Public Domain. Public Domain means free to the world .