Recent movement of westerner’s global rapid action is remarkable.
However, this is only a result of the Industrial Revolution and
subsequent steam engines and does not mean there was some kind of
progress in terms of human spirits(or humanity). Therefore, in order
to stand up against and to prevent the invasions to the orient by
western great powers, first of all, we only need to get ready in our
mind(meaning, “to keep open mind and learn, not to have physical
strength”). Westerners are the same human being. But, that does not
mean we can disregard the reality of Industrial Revolution. In order
to keep an independence of a country, it is necessary to just jump
into the wave of the Industrial Revolution and accept not only it’s
benefits but also it’s disadvantages as well. This is now required
to survive in this modern civilized society.
Modern civilization is like influenza. Can we prevent infection of
Influenza on the sea front? No, I strongly believe we can’t.
Influenza has no benefit, and we can’t avoid infections once it
spreads. But, modern civilization bares both benefits and
disadvantages, and how can we protect ourselves from modern
civilization which has more benefits than disadvantages. It is, in a
way, a duty for intellectuals to push the infections while providing
It was when Perry’s black ships appeared in Edo Bay, Japanese
learned about the Industrial Revolution of the west. Since then
Japanese gradually had begun to recognize the needs to accept modern
Civilization. However, the Tokugawa shogunate was the obstacle. As
long as the Tokugawa shogunate existed, we could not accept modern
civilization. We had only 2 choices; modern civilization or sticking
to the old regime. If we had chosen the the old regime, the
independence of Japan had been in danger. It’s because westerners,
who went out to the world while taking advantage of technologies and
competing each other, had no mercy to leave the oriental island
country asleep.
Hereby, the faithful retainers, holding a faith to the country and
the emperor, destroyed the Tokugawa shogunate and built a new
government. This way, Japan as a country and the whole nation
decided to accept technologies and modern civilization born in the
west. This was the first amongst the all Asian countries and this
also meant leaving Asia for Japan.
Japan, as a national mind, despite the fact that country is located
in Asia, accepted the modern civilization of the west. However, an
Unfortunate thing for Japan is that Japan has the two neighboring
Countries. One is Sino, another is Chosun. It might possibly be
because we are just racially different from the beginning or the
Educational level is different, the difference of the national mind
Between Japan and the two countries is just tremendous even though
These two countries also possess the same classic and belong to the
Chinese character cultural sphere as well. In this era of a rapid
Information exchange, while knowing the modern civilization and the
International law, two countries still adhere to the past. This
National mind is nothing more than the one from the 1000 years ago.
In this actively progressive era of the modern civilization, the
Education is limited to Confucianism where they learn superficial
Knowledge, and in practice, their attitudes seem not only
Disregarding the scientific principles, but also morally collapsing
While they have no self-examinations but arrogance.
In my view, China and Korea cannot survive as independent nations
with the onslaught of modern civilization to the East if they keep
the way they are. There is no doubt that ruins and divisions of
Countries are inevitable unless noble men of reform appear in these
two countries and manage to reform the countries from top to down
just like the Meiji Restoration. It is because locking self up in a
closed room and shutting the air flow avoiding the wave of modern
Civilization, will only suffocate themselves.
Although in Zuo Zhuan stands for reciprocity of neighboring
countries, Sino and Chosun today have nothing helpful for Japan
while Japan might be mistakingly confused with these two countries
by the westerners because the three countries are geographically
close. For instance, if Sino and Chosun are under dictatorship or if
they are country of Confucianism, the western scholars might
Misunderstand that Japan might as well be so. Or if Sino ignore the
International law or manners without hesitation/shame, some might
think Japan may do the same. If Chosun brutally executes people,
some might doubt Japan do the same. And there are countless examples
like this. This is as if outsiders looking at a village full of
cruel and crazy people. Even if one person in the village is
Criticizing other members of the village, it does not make much
difference to outsiders. Outsiders would consider every one in the
village are pretty much the same. In fact, this kind of view in
Asian diplomacy can be seen here and there. That is one big
Unfortunate matter to Japan.
Japan should no longer wait nor expect the two countries to possess
International common sense. Japan should now ditch the illusion that
those countries, together with Japan, will help archive the
Prosperity in Asia. In stead, Japan should leave those countries
behind and join the western civilization to go forward. Just because
they are neighboring countries, Japan should not associate with
these countries with special emotional attachments. For these two
countries, Japan only need to keep relationships according to the
international law and common sense. Those who are intimate with bad
friends are also regarded bad, therefore I deny friendships with
those bad East Asian friends from my heart.
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