Jiang Zemin picking his nose. President of china.
Last Emperor. Age 3 as Emperor of china.
Earth in Space-Time.
Earth is planet number three of the sun.
Who in world will think they are at the center of the world. Center of the cosmos.
What is the incredible cause of the 1. poverty 2. backwardness of china.
1911: Baby-Emperor PUYI. Age three, 3, as the emperor of china.
What about an emperor who does Not have to wear diapers.
1949: Red Emperor Mao. Mass-Killer of 40-50 millions of people.
The number One mass-killer of the 20. century.
2000: Jiang Zemin picking his nose for the world to see. President of china, picking his nose.
Sick man of Asia.
Century of Humiliation
Cultural Diease.
All these images and facts tell the truth about china. Stuck in the 14ht. 15th. century.
Nation of the past. What about Nation of the Future.
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