2009: 200-years since the genius of charles darwin.
copernicus, galileo, newton, albert einstein discovered the earth is plant number of the sun. Sun is at the outskirts of the milky way galaxy. This cosmos has billions billions of stars.
Apollo project returned images of the earth in space-time. Hubble Space Telescope looked back to billions billions of years when the cosmos war being formed.
Earth: number three of the sun is in the vastness of space time. Space that has billions of galaxies each with billions of stars. The earth is 4-5 billions ears old.
Life on Earth where did life come from?
Life in Cosmos: where did life come from?
Life on earth was answered by charles darwin and alfred wallace. Darwin and Wallace are co-discover of the Natural selection. Selection by Nature. Life is prolific on earth. Many are born, only few survive.
Life on Earth: struggle for
1. food. water
2. safety, shelter, groups.
3. Reproduction of the species (made possible by male-female).
Magic number of two.
Reproduction by the Natural process.
Magic of two: male, female.
Where do babies come from?
Where does life come from?
All made possible by the magic number of two.
Male in Nature.
Female in Nature
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