27 October 2009

YES-NO coming to class: All college does is Sell Admit to class. YES: come to class. NO: cannot come to class.

YEAR 1900: 2% of USA citizens went on to college.

YEAR 2000: 100% of all 18-year olds can attend college.

For anyone who has attended a college know: all a colleges does is sell Admit to class.
That's why there is an Admission Office.

Admission Office determine who can, cannot come to class.

YES-letter: yes can come

NO-letter: no, cannot come to class.

Physical-world: 100, 300, 500 can fit physically into the lecture hall.

Digital-world: 1-bllion, 2-billion 3-billion can attend the lecture, anytime, anywhere, worldwide by all citizens of the world.

Digital colleges can reach, billions billions of people worlwide.

Colleges, as we know, will be obsolete by years 2020 or 2030.

Colleges will be obsolete in our lifetime.

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  1. This blog is in the public domain.
    Public Domain, as, in free, open to the world


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