Datsu-A Ron (Japanese Kyūjitai: 脫亞論, Shinjitai: 脱亜論) was an editorial which was first published in the Japanese newspaper Jiji Shimpo on March 16, 1885. The writer is thought to be Japanese author and educator Fukuzawa Yukichi, but the original editorial was written anonymously. The editorial was contained in the second volume of Fukuzawa's complete works in 1933.
The title Datsu-A Ron has been translated variously as the argument for “Good-bye Asia,” “
“shedding Asia,”
“escape from Asia,”
“leaving Asia,” or
“disassociation from Asia.”
Japan: atomic bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki in 1945. recession for 20-years from 1990-2010. Emperor on radio says I am NOT descended from Sun-god. only human like me, you and us.
Korea: korean war 1950--1953. three million dead. north korea -south korea. land of Kim Jong Il and Kim Sung Il. father-son country. nation of robots. massive famines in north korea in 1990s. Korea...still divided from North and South.
North Korea: Dead corpse of Kim on display. Nation of father-son dictators. Land stuck in the 1950s.
Vietnam: 3-4 million dead in war 1960-1975. Annual income at $200 dollars. Two hundred dollars per year. Dead corpse of Ho chi Minh on display. Cut itself from rest of world lead to mass-poverty.
china: civil war in 1949. massive famines in 1950s and cultural revolution in 1960s.
Cut itself from rest of world lead to mass-poverty.
china: 70% are peasants living with cows, chicken, on the farm like 2000-3000 years. ago. still on the pig, rice , chicken farm.
china: 700 million (60% of people) live on $3 day. $3 times 365 days a day. $1095 a year or about $1000 a years. 700 million lived on about $1000 a year like in the stone-ages.
china: land of red-emperor. blue ants. chicken mao zedong dead corpse on display. 4000 years of NO progress except as land-farm peasants.
philippines: 400-years a Colony of Spain and USA. philippines sold to USA for 20-million dollars. Independent only since 1945. Half (50% of population) live on $2 a day. Half live on two dollars a day. Dead Ferdinand Marcos on display.
cambodia: Pol Pot land. Pol Pot killed one-third of the native population.
laos: communist-state. 80% are peasants living on the farms.
india: British india that was present-day India, Pakistan, Bangledash, Burma.
india: 70% of people live on farms. A handful of British colonize a nation of 600-million. Poor Poor and Poor akin to Slumdog Millionaire. India only independent since 1947.
bangledash: Nation only 1971. Land of poverty and monsoon. children paraded on TV for charity donations.
pakistan: Pakistan with Mexico is only two nation the may collapse from report of US joint military.
burma: Military dictatorship. Military junta since the 1960s. land of military-dictatorships.
thailand: land of coups, strip clubs and more military coups. Military coups as common as the monsoon.
Nation of idiots, morons, retards in 2010 just like 1885. No change in 100 years.Datsu-A Ron (Japanese Kyūjitai: 脫亞論, Shinjitai: 脱亜論) was an editorial which was first published in the Japanese newspaper Jiji Shimpo on March 16, 1885. The writer is thought to be Japanese author and educator Fukuzawa Yukichi, but the original editorial was written anonymously. The editorial was contained in the second volume of Fukuzawa's complete works in 1933. The title Datsu-A Ron has been translated variously as the argument for “Good-bye Asia,” “de-Asianization,” “shedding Asia,” “escape from Asia,” “leaving Asia,” or “disassociation from Asia.”
Datsu-A Ron (Japanese Kyūjitai: 脫亞論, Shinjitai: 脱亜論) was an editorial which was first published in the Japanese newspaper Jiji Shimpo on March 16, 1885.
In my view, China and Korea cannot survive as independent nations with the onslaught of modern civilization to the East if they keep the way they are. There is no doubt that ruins and divisions of countries are inevitable unless noble men of reform appear in these two countries and manage to reform the countries from top to down just like the Meiji Restoration. It is because locking self up in a closed room and shutting the air flow avoiding the wave of modern civilization, will only suffocate themselves.
his national mind is nothing more than the one from the 1000 years ago. In this actively progressive era of the modern civilization, the education is limited to Confucianism where they learn superficial knowledge, and in practice, their attitudes seem not only disregarding the scientific principles, but also morally collapsing while they have no self-examinations but arrogance.
Japan should no longer wait nor expect the two countries to possess international common sense. Japan should now ditch the illusion that those countries, together with Japan, will help archive the prosperity in Asia. In stead, Japan should leave those countries behind and join the western civilization to go forward. Just because they are neighboring countries, Japan should not associate with these countries with special emotional attachments. For these two countries, Japan only need to keep relationships according to the international law and common sense. Those who are intimate with bad friends are also regarded bad, therefore I deny friendships with those bad East Asian friends from my heart.
Datsu-A Ron (Japanese Kyūjitai: 脫亞論, Shinjitai: 脱亜論) was an editorial which was first published in the Japanese newspaper Jiji Shimpo on March 16, 1885. The writer is thought to be Japanese author and educator Fukuzawa Yukichi, but the original editorial was written anonymously. The editorial was contained in the second volume of Fukuzawa's complete works in 1933. The title Datsu-A Ron has been translated variously as the argument for “Good-bye Asia,” “de-Asianization,” “shedding Asia,” “escape from Asia,” “leaving Asia,” or “disassociation from Asia.”
Datsu-A Ron (Japanese Kyūjitai: 脫亞論, Shinjitai: 脱亜論) was an editorial which was first published in the Japanese newspaper Jiji Shimpo on March 16, 1885.
In my view, China and Korea cannot survive as independent nations with the onslaught of modern civilization to the East if they keep the way they are. There is no doubt that ruins and divisions of countries are inevitable unless noble men of reform appear in these two countries and manage to reform the countries from top to down just like the Meiji Restoration. It is because locking self up in a closed room and shutting the air flow avoiding the wave of modern civilization, will only suffocate themselves.
his national mind is nothing more than the one from the 1000 years ago. In this actively progressive era of the modern civilization, the education is limited to Confucianism where they learn superficial knowledge, and in practice, their attitudes seem not only disregarding the scientific principles, but also morally collapsing while they have no self-examinations but arrogance.
Japan should no longer wait nor expect the two countries to possess international common sense. Japan should now ditch the illusion that those countries, together with Japan, will help archive the prosperity in Asia. In stead, Japan should leave those countries behind and join the western civilization to go forward. Just because they are neighboring countries, Japan should not associate with these countries with special emotional attachments. For these two countries, Japan only need to keep relationships according to the international law and common sense. Those who are intimate with bad friends are also regarded bad, therefore I deny friendships with those bad East Asian friends from my heart.